Month: March 2024
Threat Intelligence for SOC
Views: 49Threat Intelligence is the analysis of data and information using tools and techniques to generate meaningful patterns to mitigate against potential risks associated with existing or emerging threats targeting organisations, industries, sectors or governments. There are different classifications of Threat Intelligence, and the primary types of it are: Threat Intelligence Producers Threat Intelligence Producers … Read more
Threat Detection: Detecting a Webserver Attack
Views: 55LAB Setup Let’s use the DIWA ( Deliberately Insecure Web Application) vulnerable created by Tim Steufmehl , to setup the victim machine. Prepare a Linux machiine with Docker installed. Follow the these instructions to install Docker on Ubuntu. With the above steps, the DIWA app should be UP and running on the Linux VM. Let’s … Read more
Detection Engineering vs Threat Hunting
Views: 30DETECTION ENGINEERING: REINFORCING THE KNOWN Threat detection is the process of identifying threats in an organization that is actively trying to attack the endpoints, networks, devices and systems. Unlike threat hunting, a threat detection is a reactive approach: threat mitigation mechanisms activate only when the organization’s security system receives alerts on potential security breaches. … Read more
Linux System Hardening
Views: 10Create a GRUB password PBKDF2 stands for Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2. It is important to note that adding a password for GRUB is not available for systems deployed using cloud service providers (such as our Linux VM); a GRUB password does not make sense as you don’t have access to the physical terminal. Encryption There … Read more
Yara 101
Views: 22YARA is a powerful pattern-matching tool and rule format used for identifying and classifying files based on specific patterns, characteristics, or content. SOC analysts commonly use YARA rules to detect and classify malware samples, suspicious files, or indicators of compromise (IOCs). Yara is an essential tool used by SOC analysts to enhance their threat detection … Read more
Views: 36NetworkMiner is an open source network forensics tool that extracts artifacts, such as files, images, emails and passwords, from captured network traffic in PCAP files. NetworkMiner can also be used to capture live network traffic by sniffing a network interface. It’s a popular tool among incident response teams as well as law enforcement. Detailed information about … Read more
Views: 29TCPView is a Windows program that will show you detailed listings of all TCP and UDP endpoints on your system, including the local and remote addresses and state of TCP connections. TCPView also reports the name of the process that owns the endpoint. TCPView provides a more informative and conveniently presented subset of the … Read more