NIST Cybersecurity Framework v1.1: Fundamentals

Views: 26NIST Functions Framework Core The Core consists of three parts: Functions, Categories, and Subcategories. The Core includes five high level functions: Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.  These 5 functions are not only applicable to cybersecurity risk management, but also to risk management at large.  The next level down is the 23 Categories that are split … Read more

Risk Management – Terminology

Views: 8Risk Avoidance Risk Acceptance Risk Reduction Basic Terminology Threat A threat is a potential harm or danger to an individual, organisation, or system. Threats can be classified into three main categories: human-made, technical, or natural. Human-made threats: These threats are caused by human activities or interventions. Examples include: As can be seen, human-made threats are not limited to … Read more