Remote Monitoring and Management software used in phishing attacks

Views: 12RMM software used in phishing attacks Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) software, including popular tools like AnyDesk, Atera, and Splashtop, are invaluable for IT administrators today, streamlining tasks and ensuring network integrity from afar. However, these same tools have caught the eye of cybercriminals, who exploit them to infiltrate company networks and pilfer sensitive … Read more

Threat Intelligence for SOC

This entry is part 2 of 17 in the series Threat Detection Engineering

Views: 46Threat Intelligence is the analysis of data and information using tools and techniques to generate meaningful patterns to mitigate against potential risks associated with existing or emerging threats targeting organisations, industries, sectors or governments. There are different classifications of Threat Intelligence, and the primary types of it are: Threat Intelligence Producers Threat Intelligence Producers … Read more

Threat Detection: Detecting a Webserver Attack

This entry is part 1 of 17 in the series Threat Detection Engineering

Views: 41LAB Setup Let’s use the DIWA ( Deliberately Insecure Web Application) vulnerable created by Tim Steufmehl , to setup the victim machine. Prepare a Linux machiine with Docker installed. Follow the these instructions to install Docker on Ubuntu. With the above steps, the DIWA app should be UP and running on the Linux VM. Let’s … Read more

Detection Engineering vs Threat Hunting

This entry is part 4 of 17 in the series Threat Detection Engineering

Views: 22DETECTION ENGINEERING: REINFORCING THE KNOWN Threat detection is the process of identifying threats in an organization that is actively trying to attack the endpoints, networks, devices and systems. Unlike threat hunting, a threat detection is a reactive approach: threat mitigation mechanisms activate only when the organization’s security system receives alerts on potential security breaches. … Read more

Yara 101

This entry is part 5 of 17 in the series Threat Detection Engineering

Views: 12YARA is a powerful pattern-matching tool and rule format used for identifying and classifying files based on specific patterns, characteristics, or content. SOC analysts commonly use YARA rules to detect and classify malware samples, suspicious files, or indicators of compromise (IOCs). Yara is an essential tool used by SOC analysts to enhance their threat detection … Read more

Practical Threat Hunting using Elastic SIEM: Hunting for Stuxbot

This entry is part 11 of 17 in the series Threat Detection Engineering

Views: 172Based on the INTRODUCTION TO THREAT HUNTING & HUNTING WITH ELASTIC module from HTB-Academy Hunting for Stuxbot The Stuxbot cybercrime group operates with a broad scope, seizing upon opportunities as they arise, without any specific targeting strategy – their motto seems to be anyone, anytime.  The primary motivation behind their actions appears to be espionage … Read more


This entry is part 4 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 13NetworkMiner Capability Description Traffic sniffing It can intercept the traffic, sniff it, and collect and log packets that pass through the network. Parsing PCAP files It can parse pcap files and show the content of the packets in detail. Protocol analysis It can identify the used protocols from the parsed pcap file. OS fingerprinting It can identify … Read more

Custom detection rule with the MITRE ATT&CK framework in Splunk

This entry is part 8 of 17 in the series Threat Detection Engineering

Views: 44Let’s walk through a practical example of creating a custom detection rule with the MITRE ATT&CK framework in Splunk. Example:Let’s say we want to create a detection rule for the technique T1566.001 – “Phishing: Spearphishing Attachment” from the MITRE ATT&CK framework. This technique involves targeted phishing attacks where attackers send malicious attachments via email … Read more

Detect brute force attacks using Splunk

Views: 45To detect brute force attacks using Splunk, you can create queries that monitor and analyze relevant log data. Here are some example Splunk queries that can help you identify potential brute force attack patterns: Explanation: This query searches for log entries containing the phrase “Failed password” and then groups them by the source IP … Read more

Investigate SQLi attacks using Splunk

This entry is part 9 of 17 in the series Threat Detection Engineering

Views: 46Sure! Here are a few Splunk queries that can help detect web application attacks: Note: Replace <your_index> and <your_sourcetype> with the appropriate values from your Splunk environment. Also, make sure you have the corresponding lookup tables (sql_injection_keywords.csv, xss_keywords.csv, etc.) populated with relevant attack patterns. You may need to modify the queries based on your … Read more