Incident Handling Life Cycle

This entry is part 1 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 12NIST – Security Incident Handling 1. Preparation The preparation phase covers the readiness of an organization against an attack. That means documenting the requirements, defining the policies, incorporating the security controls to monitor like EDR / SIEM / IDS / IPS, etc. It also includes hiring/training the staff. 2. Detection and Analysis The detection phase covers … Read more

Volatility: Perform Memory Forensics with Volatility (Part 01)

This entry is part 2 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 23Reference: TryHackMe Room “Core Windows Processes” Core Windows Processes Understanding how the Windows operating system functions as a defender is vital.  Task Manager doesn’t show a Parent-Child process view. That is where other utilities, such as Process Hacker and Process Explorer, come to the rescue. Process Hacker Process Explorer Command-line equivalent of obtaining information about the running … Read more

Introduction to Network Forensics

This entry is part 3 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 18Source: Tryhackme Networkminer room Introduction to Network Forensics Network Forensics is a specific subdomain of the Forensics domain, and it focuses on network traffic investigation. Network Forensics discipline covers the work done to access information transmitted by listening and investigating live and recorded traffic, gathering evidence/artefacts and understanding potential problems.  The investigation tries to … Read more


This entry is part 4 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 13NetworkMiner Capability Description Traffic sniffing It can intercept the traffic, sniff it, and collect and log packets that pass through the network. Parsing PCAP files It can parse pcap files and show the content of the packets in detail. Protocol analysis It can identify the used protocols from the parsed pcap file. OS fingerprinting It can identify … Read more

Splunk Fundamentals

This entry is part 6 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 14Splunk Components Splunk Forwarder Splunk Forwarder is a lightweight agent installed on the endpoint intended to be monitored, and its main task is to collect the data and send it to the Splunk instance. Splunk Indexer Splunk Indexer plays the main role in processing the data it receives from forwarders. It takes the data, normalizes … Read more

Wireshark 101 | Packet Operations

This entry is part 7 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 3Wireshark: Packet Operations Statistics | Summary This menu provides multiple statistics options ready to investigate to help users see the big picture in terms of the scope of the traffic, available protocols, endpoints and conversations, and some protocol-specific details like DHCP, DNS and HTTP/2. For a security analyst, it is crucial to know how to … Read more

Wireshark 101 | Traffic Analysis

This entry is part 8 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 6Wireshark: Traffic Analysis Display Filter Reference Investigating Nmap scans Nmap is an industry-standard tool for mapping networks, identifying live hosts and discovering the services. As it is one of the most used network scanner tools, a security analyst should identify the network patterns created with it. Common Nmap scan types, It is essential to know … Read more

Analysis with Wireshark

This entry is part 9 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 18TShark VS. Wireshark (Terminal vs. GUI) TShark is a purpose-built terminal tool based on Wireshark. TShark shares many of the same features that are included in Wireshark and even shares syntax and options. TShark is perfect for use on machines with little or no desktop environment and can easily pass the capture information it … Read more

Windows Event Logs

This entry is part 10 of 13 in the series Incident Response and Forensics

Views: 15Windows logon types and logon codes Logs with event IDs 4624 and 4625 are generated every time there is a successful or failed logon on a local computer, respectively.  In Windows, there are several ways a logon can occur locally, and remotely.  Logon Type Numeric Identifier Description Logon Right Used only by the system … Read more