Views: 8Linux File System Path Description / The top-level directory is the root filesystem and contains all of the files required to boot the operating system before other filesystems are mounted as well as the files required to boot the other filesystems. After boot, all of the other filesystems are mounted at standard mount points … Read more

Linux Privilege Escalation

Views: 9LinPEAS Latest Releases: Release Release refs/heads/master 20230425-bd7331ea · carlospolop/PEASS-ng · GitHub Privilege Escalation: SUID Finding SUID Binaries Use the command: “find / -perm -u=s -type f 2>/dev/null” to search the file system for SUID/GUID files. Let’s break down this command. find – Initiates the “find” command / – Searches the whole file system -perm – searches for files with … Read more

Linux Commands – Cheat Sheet

Views: 6Bash Commands uname -a Show system and kernel head -n1 /etc/issue Show distri­bution mount Show mounted filesy­stems date Show system date uptime Show uptime whoami Show your username man command Show manual for command ls Options -a Show all (including hidden) -R Recursive list -r Reverse order -t Sort by last modified -S Sort by file … Read more